The Ohlthaver & List Group (O&L) recently emphasized its immense passion for education by supporting extra-curricular numeracy programs to primary school learners through the Edulution Program. The aim of the Program is to enable learners to revise and master essential numeracy and ITC skills and in turn allow teachers to better deliver their curriculum objectives.
Edulution is a digital learning social enterprise that runs after-school numeracy and literacy programs in Zambia and more recently numeracy programs in Katutura, Namibia. Since its establishment in 2015, Edulution has provided foundational learning to over 12,000 children and achieved impressive results due to its unique combination of technology, exciting content, effective coaching and a comprehensive performance measurement system. In Zambia for example, Edulution Grade 7 learners are outperforming their peers by 25% in the national maths exams. The Edulution program caters for grades 3 to 7 in groups of 30 to 40 learners. Each group is supported by two coaches who facilitate peer-to-peer learning. Learners make use of tablets to do their initial baseline tests and work at their own pace to master each level of the program before moving on to the next. Furthermore, engagement with the Edulution digital platform enhances the learner’s technology skills, better positioning them to become active participants in a 4th industrial revolution driven by technology. In essence, this solution is a glimpse into the future of learning.
Head of Marketing and Communications of Edulution, Michael Clarke: “Our choice to come to Namibia was very deliberate. We firmly believe that Namibia can be the showcase to other countries in the region of what is possible in terms of adopting innovative new learning solutions in public/ private partnerships. We have opened 6 centres in Katutura in the last 4 months and we are now reaching more than 1600 learners. We are opening another 3 centres in the near future in Windhoek and will be expanding into the rural Khomas districts and beyond in 2020.” Clarke further expressed his gratitude towards the O&L Group for their support. “To O&L – Thank you for your faith and belief in us from the get go, you never hesitated or blinked an eye. Supporting our efforts at Hillside and at Havana Primary School is wonderful.”
Executive Chairman of the O&L Group, Sven Thieme: “When education ignites the mind and inspires the heart, then truly light shines in the darkness! As the O&L Group, we are extremely humbled by this wonderful opportunity and excited to join hands and partner with Edulution in Namibia together with our Ministry of Education, Arts and Culture, as a partner in education, making a positive impact and difference through our Group Purpose ‘Creating a future, enhancing life’ for our Namibian children.” The O&L Executive Chairman encouraged the learners to ‘dream big; believe in yourself and be the leader you were born to be’. “Every day our lives are impacted by technology, information and the people who help develop and bring it to us. Therefore, as you move into the future, keep in mind to have a purpose and passion for it. Each one of you sitting here is a leader. Not tomorrow or sometime in the future when you’re big and earn a salary of your own. No. You are a leader today and every other day. Therefore, lead by example; inspire; motivate, and create a strong culture of excellence and a positive environment. Instead of saying ‘I can’t’, say ‘I can!”.
Speaking at the ceremony, Executive Director of the Ministry of Education Arts & Culture, Sanet Steenkamp said literacy and numeracy are important areas in their own right, but also support other subjects. “Learners who aim to pursue higher education qualifications must have a strong background knowledge of how to read and write at primary school level. So, providing primary school learners with clear and standard basic literacy and numeracy knowledge which they can utilize in their future studies, has immense value and requires considerable investment from both public and private sectors.” Steenkamp thanked Edulution and business partners, in particular the O&L Group for their contributions and supporting the Namibian children in this activity. “Education is a noble endeavour. More than just shaping the future of everyone that passes through our hands – we also shape the future of our nation. As learners are the future of every nation, if they become scientifically literate, they will be agents of change”, Steenkamp concluded.
The O&L Group at large (with support from its subsidiaries) has a strong CSI footprint in education, with millions invested over the past few years in creating safe and conducive learning environments, and in support of maintaining the health and well-being of, especially children. Such support include (amongst others) the construction of containerized classrooms and a soup kitchen valued at close to N$2 Million at the Monte Christo Project Primary School in the Havana resettlement area in Windhoek. The Dr. Abraham Iyambo Primary School in Havana is also one of the schools adopted by the O&L Group as a beneficiary of its CSI agenda, and receives ongoing support in development and maintenance. Earlier this year the group also contributed to the refurbishment of containerized classrooms to the value of N$ 115,000 at the Mount View High School in the Babylon area.